How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, That most people not do!

 How to Lose Weight Fast: 
3 Simple Steps

On the off chance that your PCP suggests it, there are approaches to get thinner securely. A consistent weight reduction of 1 to 2 pounds each week is suggested for the best long haul weight the executives. 

All things considered, many eating plans leave you feeling ravenous or unsatisfied. These are significant reasons why you may think that it's difficult to adhere to a better eating plan. 

Notwithstanding, not all eating regimens have this impact. Low carb diets and entire food, lower-calorie consumes fewer calories are viable for weight reduction and might be simpler to adhere to than different eating regimens. 

Here are a few different ways to get thinner that utilize smart dieting, conceivably lower carbs, and that means to: 
  • Decrease your hunger 
  • Cause quick weight reduction 
  • Improve your metabolic wellbeing simultaneously

1.  Scale back refined carbs 

One approach to shed pounds rapidly is to scale back sugars and starches, or carbs. This could be with a low-carb eating plan or by decreasing refined carbs and supplanting them with entire grains. 

At the point when you do that, your appetite levels go down, and you by and large wind up eating fewer calories (1Trusted Source). 

With a low-carb eating plan, you'll use consuming put away fat for energy rather than carbs. 

In the event that you decide to eat more unpredictable carbs like entire grains alongside a calorie shortage, you'll profit by higher fiber and review them all the more gradually. This makes them more filling to keep you fulfilled. 

A recent report affirmed that an exceptionally low starch diet was advantageous for getting more fit in more seasoned populaces (2). 

The examination additionally proposes that a low-carb diet can diminish hunger, which may prompt eating fewer calories without considering everything or feeling hungry (3Trusted Source). 

Note that the drawn-out impacts of a low-carb diet are as yet being explored. It can likewise be hard to hold fast to a low-carb diet, which may prompt yo-yo consuming fewer calories and less accomplishment in keeping a solid weight. 

There are possible drawbacks to a low-carb diet that may lead you to an alternate technique. Diminished calorie diets can likewise prompt weight reduction and be simpler to keep up for longer timeframes. 

On the off chance that you select an eating routine zeroing in rather on entire grains over refined carbs, a recent report corresponded high entire grain with lower weight record (BMI) (4Trusted Source). 

To determine the best way for you to lose weight, consult your doctor for recommendations.


Reducing sugars and starches, or carbs, from your diet can help curb your appetite, lower your insulin levels, and make you lose weight.

But the long-term effects of a low carb diet are not yet known. A reduced calorie diet could be more sustainable.

Each one of your meals should include:

  • a protein source 
  • fat source 
  • vegetables 
  • a little segment of complex starches, like entire grains

To perceive how you can gather your dinners, look at: 

  • this low carb dinner plan 
  • this lower-calorie dinner plan 
  • these arrangements of 101 sound low carb plans and low-calorie food sources 


Eating a prescribed measure of protein is fundamental to helping save your wellbeing and bulk while getting thinner (5Trusted Source). 

Proof proposes that eating satisfactory protein may improve cardiometabolic hazard components, hunger, and body weight, (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source). 

Here are the means by which to decide the amount you need to eat without eating excessively. Numerous components decide your particular requirements, yet by and large, a normal individual necessity (9Trusted Source): 

  • 56–91 grams each day for the normal male 
  • 46–75 grams each day for the normal female 

Diets with sufficient protein can likewise help: 

  • decrease desires and over the top contemplations about food by 60% 
  • decrease the longing to nibble late around evening time considerably 
  • cause you to feel full 

In one investigation, individuals on a higher protein diet ate 441 fewer calories each day (10Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source). 

Solid protein sources include: 

  • meat: hamburger, chicken, pork, and sheep 
  • fish and fish: salmon, trout, and shrimp 
  • eggs: entire eggs with the yolk 
  • plant-based proteins: beans, vegetables, quinoa, tempeh, and tofu

Low carb and verdant green vegetables 

Try not to be reluctant to stack your plate with verdant green vegetables. They're loaded with supplements, and you can eat enormous sums without significantly expanding calories and carbs. 

Vegetables to incorporate for low carb or low-calorie eating plans: 

  • broccoli 
  • cauliflower 
  • spinach 
  • tomatoes 
  • kale 
  • Brussels sprouts 
  • cabbage 
  • Swiss chard 
  • lettuce 
  • cucumber 

Healthy Fats

Try not to fear eating fats. 

Your body actually requires solid fats regardless of what eating plan you pick. Olive oil and avocado oil are incredible decisions for remembering for your eating plan. 

Different fats, for example, spread and coconut oil ought to be utilized uniquely with some restraint because of their higher immersed fat substance (12Trusted Source).


Amass every supper out of a protein source, sound fat source, complex carb, and vegetables.

Verdant green vegetables are an incredible method to build up a dinner with low calories and heaps of supplements.

Richest persons in the world 2021 with Full biography

1. Jeff Bezos 

Early Life

Jeff Bezos was conceived on twelfth January 1964 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was conceived by Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen. His folks were Jacklyn Gise Jorgensen and Ted Jorgensen. His dad was an engineer.

Bezos educated at River Oaks Elementary School, situated in Houston. He concentrated there from fourth grade to 6th. A while later, when he went to secondary school, he started his first business known as the "Dream Institute" which was an instructive day camp coordinated for fourth, fifth, and 6th grades.


Later in 1993, Bezos chose to start an online book shop. He got off his position at D. E. Shaw and set up "Amazon" on fifth July 1994 in his carport itself. He did this in the wake of choosing his field-tested strategies out traveling from New York to Seattle. 

He welcomed 300 of his allies to beta test the site and afterward thereafter, he opened "" on sixteenth July 1995; which he named after the wandering stream in South America. 

The underlying achievement of his organization was vaporous. sold various books over the United States and furthermore in 45 far-off nations in 30 days, with no press advancement. Continuously month, his deals arrived at 20,000 dollars for every week. It was raising excessively quicker than Bezos, and his startup group had envisioned. 

From the start, Bezos named his new organization "Cadabra", however, later on, he changed the name to "Amazon"- naming it after the "Amazon River" situated in South America.

After the establishment of Amazon 

At the point when three years passed after Bezos established Amazon, he moved it on a public level with a "first sale of stock" (IPO). At last, in 1998, Bezos made his entrance into the online deals universe of music and video. Before that year's over, he additionally broadened the organization's items by including a different assortment of customer merchandise. In 2002, Bezos progressed Amazon to dispatch "Amazon Web Services", arranging information from the climate channels.

In 2000, Bezos had obtained 2 billion dollars from the banks since its money adjusts could plunge just to 350 million dollars. At that point, his organization failed. As a result, he shut down the appropriation communities and killed 14 percent of the Amazon labor force. 

However, in 2003, Amazon recovered from budgetary insecurity and raised a benefit of around 400 million dollars. At that point in November 2007, Bezos spearheaded the "Amazon Kindle".

His wealth 

Finally, in October 2016, his bounty raised by16.2 billion dollars to about 66.5 billion dollars which (casually) positions him as the third most luxurious individual on earth after Warren Buffett. 

Nevertheless, on 6th March 2018, Bezos was officially articulated to be the wealthiest individual on earth having a selected net proportion of 112 billion dollars. He beat Bill Gates (with 90 billion dollars) who was truly 6 billion dollars before Warren Buffett (84 billion dollars) as of now situated third. Also, besides, on the seventeenth of July 2018, he got appointed as the "wealthiest individual in current history" by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Fortune, MarketWatch, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes.

2 . Bill Gates

Bill Gates Biography

In this case of beating affliction, we will share Bill Gates account, a perceptible American business visionary, theorist, provider with an awesome calling in an improvement of programming for PCs. He is the individual promoter of Microsoft Corporation, one of the most seen brands in the PC business; basically, every PC has at any rate one Microsoft thing presented. 

The memoir of Bill Gates reminds an American dream. Given the troublesome work, he has achieved the accomplishment of the association, yet also the title of maybe the most excessive individual on Earth. 

Gateways have been No. 1 for quite a while on the Bloomberg Billionaires List, yet Carlos Slim Helu took No. 1 spot in 2010. Also, in May 2013, with a fortune of $72 billion Bill Gates transformed into the most luxurious man on earth again and retook the world's most extreme title from Carlos Slim. Bill Gates' all-out resources were $79.3 billion as of April 09, 2015. 

Early Life 

William Henry "Bill" Gates III was considered on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington in a truly well-off gathering of William Henry "Bill" Gates, Sr. – a productive legal advisor and Mary Maxwell Gates – a past educator, who later diverted into a person from the Board of Directors of the First Interstate Bank. 

Being a child, Bill Gates recently had an inescapable cash director capacity, especially in number juggling. It isn't spontaneous that at school he scored 800 concentrations in the mathematical segment of the knowledge test, demonstrating the best result. In any case, the family foresaw that Bill Gates ought to follow his father's methods and enter Harvard Law School. 

In 1968, when Bill and his optional school partner Paul Allen went to focus school, the school association decided to buy a PC time from the General Electric Company. Around that point, the system subject to DEC PDP-10 little designing was reasonably accessible. A short time later, he expressed: "When I was thirteen, my school (Lakeside School) presented a print machine. Beginning there on, my partners and I contributed a huge bit of our free energy working ventures and figuring out some approach to make the PC do interesting things." The school association had barely cared about its understudies – the whole year of the PC time was used fifty-fifty every month. Fortunately, another understudy appeared in Lakeside, whose father worked as a senior engineer in Computer Center Corporation (CCC). The new understanding allowed Gates and his allies to continue with their tests. 

Young software engineers quickly figured out the complexities of the machine, found the inadequacies, and started causing a hubbub – they broke the protection, which on a couple of occasions provoked a system frustration and changed the reports that contained records of PC time. CCC saw that infiltrate and put them close to working with PCs for a large portion of a month. 

At that point, the association's business began to encounter the evil impacts of consistent frustrations and vulnerable confirmation. Reviewing the hazardous activities of PC customers from Lakeside, CCC invited Bill Gates and his allies to recognize imperfections and security openings. As a portion, the association offered ceaseless PC time for young software engineers. Obviously, Bill and his colleagues couldn't want. Since that day youngsters couldn't state if it was a day or night outside – they were hanging out in the lab continually. For instance, one assignment of Gates was a program for booking classes. 'Somehow', it persistently reconsidered Bill to the classes with the prettiest youngsters. Despite exploring, they focused each material on robotized figurings and improved their capacities. 

Accomplishment is a dreadful educator. It draws clever people into instinct they can't lose. – Bill Gates

In 1969, the Computer Center Corporation experienced difficulties in fact, and in 1970, it broadcasted itself a bankruptcy. The Lakeside's understudies lost their work and permission to PC time. Paul Allen's father was working at the University of Washington and had permission to the PC place. Energetic programming engineers quit fooling around looking for a domain where to apply their knowledge. In 1971, the Information Sciences utilized Bill Gates and Paul Allen to make programming that would be make-up account sheets. Despite boundless PC time supervisors have assented to pay the designers each time their item will bring the association advantage. 

The energetic designers reliably got orders. Bill Gates was the initiator who expressed: "We should call this current reality, and sell it something." And the most interesting thing that he found clients and sold them his item. For example, when he made programming to improve road traffic and sold it for 20,000 dollars. He was only 15 years old! 

Bill Gates' people were frightened of the energy of their youngster and by a settled decision they confined him from PC adventures. For a year, Bill didn't advance toward the object of his energy, examining the records of acclaimed people from Napoleon to Roosevelt. By the age of seventeen Gates got a suggestion for making an item pack for Bonneville Dam, which his people didn't excuse. For one year management, this endeavor Gates got 30,000 dollars. 

Bill Gates Childhood Biography 

In 1973, Bill Gates during Lakeside School's graduation work 

In 1973, Bill Gates entered Harvard University, proposing either to follow the steps of his father or to transform into an instructor of Mathematics. Later Bill yielded that his heart wasn't in it. Most of his time spent at Harvard: he was playing pinball, augmentation, or poker. Paul Allen, Bill's buddy, routinely visited him on closures of the week, and they were bantering about the conceivable outcomes of opening their own association. 

Eventually, Paul found another profession in Honeywell, an association in Boston, and got some answers concerning the Altair 8800 PC made by MITS. Doors had enough mental grit to bringing to the table MITS to use BASIC on this PC. 

Clearly, Bill Gates was tricky that the language is expressly proposed for Altair, yet the program showed an ideal match from indisputably the first run-through. This decision satisfied the chairmen, who offered adolescents the work on making programming vernaculars.

Such that bill gates get success in his life.

Top 5 places for travelling in the world 2021 Latest update

1.  Paris, France- The City of travel

Bonjour Mon Ami! Paris needs no ordinary introduction - indivisible from culture, plan, food, and style. That je ne sais quoi of the French capital makes it the dream objective for a few. So would you have to leave Paris 'Before Sunset' or would you take our affirmation and spend a '12 PM in Paris'?! The spellbinding molded iron pinnacle of the Eiffel Tower penetrating the skyline, the Arc de Triomphe guarding the most dynamite street, the Champs Elysees, the incomparable Notre Dame place of God, lightly lit frameworks spreading over the Seine and workmanship nouveau bistros spilling onto wicker-seat lined patios.

2.  Machu Picchu, Peru

One of the most as of late found demolishes, the Incan vestiges of Machu Picchu keep on surprising history specialists, archeologists, and chronicled aficionados the same. A secret of its genuine reason encompasses the spot and students of history to date keep on bantering on the issue. A hotspot inside the remains itself, The Temple of the Sun is known for having windows consummately situated to let the beams of the sun inside in unpredictable examples. Aside from the archeological site itself, the all-encompassing perspective on the Huayna Picchu top is an amazing sight you can always remember. Experience searchers can likewise travel along the wonderful Inca trails which offer the most genuine experience of Peru's Incan legacy. Machu Picchu is pressed consistently, however, once you experience it yourself, you really want to need to prop up back for additional.

3. The Grand Canyon

Yellowstone's Grand Canyon is one of the most famous locales in the area, giving a few dazzling vistas as you come. This very nearly 40 km long gulch is an enormous and the most celebrated ravine in Yellowstone. It is massively mainstream among guests because of its grand perspectives on the Lower and Upper Falls, just as the entrancing pink and yellow-hued rocks. There are a few perspectives and focal points along the length of the gorge. The gulch's lovely shades of tones are a famous piece of Yellowstone. The mineral stains because of the exercises of water have given the stones of the ravine such a charming color of shadings, it is genuinely an incredible sight. The topography of the gully isn't totally clear. It was made because of disintegration for more than a huge number of years, and the geothermal idea of the region is as yet predominant, which can be seen by the underground aquifers all through the ravine.

4. New Zealand - The land of Adventure

New Zealand lies in the Pacific Ocean, toward the southwest. New Zealand guarantees excellent scenes and quiet, similarly wonderful coastlines that you can drive along, tuning in to the sound of the surf. The nation is additionally referred to for its experience sports exercises just as its exhibition halls, workmanship displays, and other legacy attractions.

5. Colosseum, Rome

This was initially called the Flavian Amphitheater and was generally utilized as a public amusement field. The Colosseum is one of the most renowned attractions in Rome and is the place where most gladiatorial battles occurred. Today, entertainers in warrior garments remain outside the Colosseum, where you can take pictures with them (at a cost!) The Colosseum is a demonstration of the resourcefulness of the developers, having stood the trial of time. While parts have been harmed, the Colosseum actually stays remaining in a large portion of its unique greatness today. It is prudent that you purchase your tickets ahead of time to skirt the tagging line, which can be a significant life hack!

"I was a stoned-out Sunday School educator for quite a long time" A story of Date : 07/30/2020

English Translation :

I was a stoned-out Sunday School educator for quite a long time 

Before corona shut my congregation down, I was manhandling Percocet, gabapentin, and liquor pretty much each and every time(especially perc on Sundays when I would show the youngsters.) 

I recollect one Sunday, descending from a joy move as I was conversing with the children about God's adoration. Understudies the personality of plates in the congregation house. 

Numerous Sundays, I took Percocet before showing up and vomited my mind out in the washroom, 10 minutes before administration started. 


I feel awful about this since I marked an arrangement to forgo mishandling drugs while being in the situation to show the children in any case, clearly, I broke that understanding, consistently for quite a long time. 

I've been perfect for a very long time at this point however the blame actually gobbles me up. 

Alter: Thank you everybody for setting aside the effort to consider this post. For the individuals who might be pondering about the study hall climate, I'd prefer to give more settings. 

It was fundamentally kids more youthful than 5 yrs old. Extremely sweet, inquisitive youngsters. We have had probably the best convos. We'd tone and attract first to get them gotten comfortable, at that point dance to some religious tunes. We'd watch a short animation "exercise," have tidbits, and afterward "available time" until their folks came to get them. 



A piece of the blame/disgrace I didn't consider was that I wasn't completely "there" with them. That is to say, I did as well as could be expected before the pills however I felt lacking because I was so restless (attempting to adapt to my then-obscure/uncertain injury and social nervousness) 

Nonetheless, on the perc/gambas, I believed I was additionally loose and less tense and I accepted that was useful for everybody. I genuinely held I was a superior individual and more present since I not, at this point felt any of my stressor profound agony. What dangerous incline sedatives are. I'm not legitimizing my activities, basically giving more setting to my circumstance. 

I am adapting considerably more strongly now. It's hard troublesome work. Be that as it may, I simply anticipate the day I'm a superior and more present "me". 

Once more, thank you for your inconceivably kind focus. I wasn't anticipating them by any stretch of the imagination.


Translate in Hindi :                                          

मैं महीनों के लिए एक नशा बाहर रविवार स्कूल शिक्षक था 


इससे पहले कि कोरोना मेरे चर्च बंद, मैं Percocet, gabapentin कोस रहा था, और शराब बस के बारे में हर एक दिन (विशेष रूप से रविवार को perc जब मैं बच्चों को सिखाना होगा.)

मैं एक रविवार याद है, एक परमानंद रोल से नीचे आ रहा है के रूप में मैं भगवान के प्यार के बारे में बच्चों से बात कर रहा था । विद्यार्थियों चर्च के घर में डिस्क के आकार।

कई रविवार, मैं आने से पहले Percocet लिया और मेरे दिमाग बाहर बाथरूम में puked, 10 मिनट पहले सेवा शुरू कर दिया ।

मैं इस बारे में भयानक लग रहा है क्योंकि मैं एक समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए दवाओं कोस से परहेज करते हुए बच्चों को पढ़ाने की स्थिति में जा रहा है, लेकिन जाहिर है, मैं उस समझौते को तोड़ दिया, लगातार महीनों के लिए ।

मैं 4 महीने के लिए अब साफ किया गया है, लेकिन अपराध अभी भी मुझे खाती है ।


संपादित करें: इस पोस्ट पर टिप्पणी करने के लिए समय लेने के लिए सभी को धन्यवाद। शायद कक्षा के माहौल के बारे में सोच उन लोगों के लिए, मैं और अधिक संदर्भ प्रदान करना चाहते हैं ।

यह मुख्य रूप से 5 साल पुराने से छोटे बच्चों था । बहुत मीठा, जिज्ञासु किडनियां। हम सबसे अच्छा convos के कुछ किया है । हम रंग और आकर्षित करने के लिए उंहें में बसे, तो कुछ पूजा गीतों के लिए नृत्य करना चाहते हैं । हम एक छोटे कार्टून "सबक देखना चाहते हैं," नाश्ता है, और फिर "खाली समय" जब तक उनके माता पिता उंहें लेने के लिए आया था ।

अपराध का हिस्सा/शर्म की बात है मैं उल्लेख नहीं किया था कि मैं पूरी तरह से नहीं था "वहां" उनके साथ । मेरा मतलब है, मैं सबसे अच्छा मैं गोलियों से पहले सकता था, लेकिन मैं अपर्याप्त महसूस किया क्योंकि मैं बहुत उत्सुक था (मेरे तो अज्ञात के साथ सामना करने की कोशिश कर रहा/

हालांकि, perc/gabas पर, मुझे लगा कि मैं और अधिक आराम और किनारे पर कम था और मुझे विश्वास है कि हर किसी के लिए अच्छा था । मैं सच में विश्वास है कि मैं एक बेहतर व्यक्ति और अधिक मौजूद था क्योंकि मैं अब मेरी चिंता या भावनात्मक दर्द के किसी भी महसूस किया । क्या एक फिसलन ढलान opiates हैं । मैं अपने कार्यों को जायज नहीं ठहरा रहा हूं, बस मेरी स्थिति को और अधिक संदर्भ दे रही है ।

मैं अब बहुत अधिक स्वस्थ मुकाबला कर रहा हूं । यह कठिन कठिन काम है । लेकिन मैं सिर्फ दिन मैं एक बेहतर और अधिक वर्तमान "मुझे" हूं के लिए तत्पर हैं ।

फिर, आप सभी को अपने अविश्वसनीय रूप से तरह की टिप्पणियों के लिए धन्यवाद। मैं उनसे बिल्कुल उम्मीद नहीं कर रहा था । 

"I falsified / altered my previous company's daily time record entries" Real Story

I misrepresented/modified my past organization's everyday time record sections. 

I was 21 and recently out of school and was urgent for work. I was searching for an occupation for quite a long time with no karma so I concluded that I would settle anyplace and be appreciative for whatever employment will be given to me. So when an organization recruited me I was past thankful. From the outset, everything was acceptable, my collaborators were brilliant, my administrator was lovely, and the work was sensible. This motivated me to give my best in all things and emptied myself into my occupation believing that I would be remunerated, yet the inverse occurred. 


Seeing that I was tenacious, my director chose to give me more work. Our organization had a high turnover rate because of the high remaining burden however with low compensation. At the point when somebody with a high position will leave, they won't supplant them however they will simply appoint the outstanding task at hand among individuals who they thought were competent and this is actually what befallen me. I was given work that should be for different offices however my compensation stayed at the lowest pay permitted by law. My manager additionally began to pass to me her work and would boast to different bosses that her employment became simpler as a result of me. I would frequently observe her simply looking on Facebook and Youtube while I was occupied grinding away and this drove me crazy however I got truly near my colleagues that I chose to simply remain. 

One of my positions was to screen our representatives' day by day time records. I could alter the time if necessary or add time if at any time the representative neglected to log. I got truly near my collaborators and a ton of them began to open up to me about their hatred towards the organization and it made me significantly more incensed. At times, the organization won't pay the workers extra time, won't satisfy the representative's federal retirement aide obligations, no paid wiped out leave, and substantially more abuse. This caused me to choose to utilize what little force I needed to help my associates in any capacity I can. This is the point at which I began changing the representatives' time records. At the point when they are late however they have a valid justification, I would alter it and change the hour of their appearance. Once in a while when they must be missing, I would include a sign-in and log-out so they will in any case be paid for that day. 

It arrived at the moment that I would here and there do what needs to be done in a spirit of meanness. At the point when my manager is being sluggish, I would add late minutes to her participation, insufficient to see but rather barely enough to extinguish my frivolity. I would do likewise to other lethargic or mean directors and administrators. 

I did it for over a year without the organization taking note. We had a review group however I surmise they sucked at their particular employment or they essentially didn't mind since I was rarely gotten. I did it so much that it most likely added up to a loss of in excess of 1,000. 

It was a couple of years back and I am in an extraordinary organization now however I actually feel regretful. I realize that I will never be gotten on the grounds that the organization erases now is the right time logs to evade slack so there is no proof that I transformed it except for I actually consider it a great deal. 


I realized that I at first did it to help however it later became self-serving. I actually think why I made myself into a criminal when I could just stop. Perhaps I was still excessively youthful and gullible. I'm soothed that I was never gotten yet the sentiment of blame will consistently remain with me.


Translation In Hindi :

 मैं ग़लत साबित/मेरी पिछली कंपनी के दैनिक समय रिकॉर्ड प्रविष्टियों बदल दिया है ।

मैं 21 और कॉलेज से बाहर ताजा था और एक नौकरी के लिए बेताब था । मैं बिना किसी किस्मत के महीनों तक नौकरी की तलाश में था इसलिए मैंने फैसला किया कि मैं कहीं भी बस जाऊंगा और जो भी काम मुझे दिया जाएगा उसके साथ आभारी रहूंगा । तो जब एक कंपनी ने मुझे काम पर रखा मैं आभारी से परे था । पहले सब कुछ अच्छा था, मेरे सहकर्मियों अद्भुत थे, मेरे पर्यवेक्षक सुखद था, और काम प्रबंधनीय था । यह मुझे सब कुछ में अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ देने के लिए प्रेरित किया और अपने आप को अपने काम में डाल यह सोचकर कि मैं पुरस्कृत किया जाएगा, लेकिन विपरीत हुआ ।


यह देखकर कि मैं मेहनती थी, मेरे सुपरवाइजर ने मुझे और काम देने का फैसला किया । हमारी कंपनी में काम का बोझ अधिक होने के कारण टर्नओवर की दर अधिक थी लेकिन कम वेतन के साथ। जब उच्च पद वाला कोई व्यक्ति त्यागपत्र देगा, तो वे उनकी जगह नहीं लेंगे लेकिन वे सिर्फ उन लोगों के बीच कार्यभार सौंपेंगे जो उन्होंने सोचा था कि वे सक्षम थे और मेरे साथ ठीक यही हुआ । मुझे वह काम दिया गया जो अन्य विभागों के लिए होना चाहिए था लेकिन मेरा वेतन न्यूनतम वेतन पर ही रहा । मेरे पर्यवेक्षक भी मेरे पास अपने काम के लिए शुरू कर दिया और अंय पर्यवेक्षकों को अपनी बड़ाई है कि उसकी नौकरी मेरी वजह से आसान हो गया । मैं अक्सर उसे सिर्फ Facebook और यूट्यूब पर स्क्रॉल देखना होगा, जबकि मैं काम पर व्यस्त था और यह मुझे गुस्सा किया, लेकिन मैं वास्तव में अपने सहकर्मियों के करीब है कि मैं सिर्फ रहने का फैसला किया ।


मेरी नौकरियों में से एक हमारे कर्मचारियों के दैनिक समय रिकॉर्ड की निगरानी के लिए किया गया था । मैं समय संपादित अगर जरूरत या समय जोड़ने अगर कभी कर्मचारी को लॉग इन करना भूल सकता है । मैं वास्तव में अपने सहकर्मियों के करीब है और उनमें से एक बहुत कंपनी के प्रति उनकी नाराजगी के बारे में मेरे लिए खोलने के लिए शुरू कर दिया और यह मुझे और भी उग्र बना दिया । कई बार कंपनी कर्मचारियों को ओवरटाइम का भुगतान नहीं करेगी, कर्मचारियों को सामाजिक सुरक्षा के बकाए का भुगतान नहीं करेगी, कोई भुगतान बीमार छुट्टी नहीं होगी, और कई और दुर्व्यवहार करेंगे । यह मुझे क्या छोटी शक्ति मैं किसी भी तरह से मैं कर सकता हूं में अपने सहकर्मियों की मदद की थी का उपयोग करने का फैसला किया । यह तब होता है जब मैं कर्मचारियों के समय रिकॉर्ड में फेरबदल शुरू कर दिया । जब वे देर हो चुकी है, लेकिन वे एक अच्छा कारण है कि मैं इसे संपादित करें और उनके आगमन का समय बदल जाएगा । कई बार जब उन्हें अनुपस्थित रहना पड़ता था, तो मैं एक लॉग-इन और लॉग-आउट इनपुट करता था ताकि उन्हें उस दिन के लिए भुगतान किया जा सके ।

यह बात है जब मैं कई बार सिर्फ यह करने के बावजूद बाहर होगा । जब मेरे पर्यवेक्षक आलसी जा रहा है मैं उसकी उपस्थिति के लिए देर से मिनट जोड़ना होगा, पर्याप्त नोटिस लेकिन सिर्फ मेरी संकीर्णता बुझाने के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं है । मैं अन्य आलसी या मतलब प्रबंधकों और पर्यवेक्षकों के लिए भी ऐसा ही होगा।

मैं इसे देख कंपनी के बिना एक साल से अधिक के लिए किया था । हम एक लेखा परीक्षा टीम थी, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि वे अपने काम पर चूसा या वे सिर्फ परवाह नहीं है क्योंकि मैं कभी नहीं पकड़ा गया था । मैं यह इतना है कि यह शायद एक हजार से अधिक के नुकसान के लिए कुल किया था ।

यह कुछ साल पहले की बात है और मैं अब एक महान कंपनी में हूं, लेकिन मैं अभी भी दोषी लग रहा है । मुझे पता है कि मैं कभी नहीं पकड़ा जाएगा क्योंकि कंपनी अपने समय लॉग हटाता है अंतराल से बचने के लिए तो कोई सबूत नहीं है कि मैं इसे बदल दिया है, लेकिन मैं अभी भी इसके बारे में बहुत लगता है ।


मैं जानता था कि मैं शुरू में यह मदद करने के लिए किया था, लेकिन यह बाद में स्वयं सेवारत बन गया । मैं अब भी लगता है कि क्यों मैं अपने आप को एक अपराधी में बनाया है जब मैं सिर्फ छोड़ सकता है । शायद मैं अभी भी बहुत छोटा और भोली थी । मुझे राहत मिली है कि मैं कभी नहीं पकड़ा गया था, लेकिन अपराध की भावना हमेशा मेरे साथ रहना होगा ।

A real life story "At the point when I was 10, I offended an arbitrary woman on the telephone and... completely pulled off it."

Translation In English :

At the point when I was 10, I offended an arbitrary woman on the telephone and... completely pulled off it. 

At the point when I was 10, I offended an arbitrary woman on the telephone and... completely pulled off it. 

As a kid, I now and then preferred to do "phone tricks". For the most part, these tricks were agreeable. I would call an arbitrary number and creepily inhale into the telephone while the other individual would state "Hi?? Hi??" until they in the long run hung up and I proceeded onward to the following number. 

One evening, however, some moderately aged woman got super set off. I surmise she was the 90s rendition of a Karen. At the point when she understood I was a youngster, she gave me an irate talk about how I was getting out of hand and how it was unsuitable. I don't have a clue what it was about her yet something about her butthurt howling got me truly set off as well. I was really an extremely sweet and respectful kid and most grown-ups cherished me. Maybe hence, it truly annoyed me when she considered me a "nasty rascal". I felt treated unreasonably and needed to give her a crappy day. So I chuckled in an impolite tone and said something like: "Yes? Well you couldn't in any way, shape, or form know cuz you're stupid as rocks." There was a brief delay - she was unmistakably dazed by my words - before she completely went ballistic. Now, I let free like my kid tongue had seldom let free previously. I called her a frightful old witch, an imbecilic crackwhore, an illness... and so on. Any affront that struck a chord I speedily flung at her. A portion of the things I called her was comical yet some of them were 100% over the limit... as in, I'd be furious if my kid said them to a grown-up (not to mention an outsider). 

At a certain point, the woman stated: "Simply stand by you whelp, I have your number. I'll call your folks." At the time, most phones weren't equipped for knowing and indicating the guest's number. It was as yet a pretty new innovation thus when the woman professed to have my landline telephone number (the one I was calling from), I expected it was only a feign. 

Shockingly, it wasn't. Around 15 minutes after the fact she got back to and my mother got before I could stop her. 

Now, I was truly panicked. A portion of the things I had said was pretty awful and I realized my mother would abhor it. Without a doubt, there would be some revolting discipline. All things being equal, notwithstanding, I heard my mother answer in a courteous yet incredulous tone: "Noooo, you more likely than not dialed some unacceptable number, my child could never do that." 

Like I stated, I was typically a toady who was consistently pleasant to everybody and got back passing marks from school. Along these lines, it appeared well and good for my mother to be extremely suspicious (but then, that irate woman was thoroughly directly about what I had done). After some to and fro, my mother called me and stated: "There's a woman here who guarantees that you called her previously and offended her terribly. Is that valid??" I gave her my most guiltless grin and stated: "Huh? Offended her? No... I was playing in my room, I didn't call anybody." My mother just stated: "No doubt, I suspected as much." Then she backpedaled on the telephone and said to the woman: "I just asked my child and he says he didn't do any such thing. I additionally don't figure he could actually do something like this. Honestly, you seem like you have a few screws free. Try not to call us any longer, you presumably misdialed, or perhaps you envisioned the entire thing." I heard the woman shouting a lot out of resentment and afterward my mother hung up on her and just returned to her cultivating work. I've never told my mother that that "insane woman" really hadn't been insane and that she had been stating reality.


Translation In Hindi :

जब मैं 10 था, मैं फोन पर एक यादृच्छिक महिला का अपमान किया और.. । पूरी तरह से इसके साथ भाग गया ।

एक बच्चे के रूप में, मैं कभी-कभी "टेलीफोन शरारतें" करना पसंद करता था। आमतौर पर ये शरारतें बहुत वश में होती थीं। मैं एक यादृच्छिक नंबर पर कॉल और डरावना फोन में सांस लेते हुए दूसरे व्यक्ति कहेंगे "नमस्ते?? नमस्ते??" जब तक वे अंततः लटका दिया और मैं अगले नंबर पर चले गए ।'



एक दोपहर, हालांकि, कुछ अधेड़ उम्र की महिला सुपर शुरू हो गई । मुझे लगता है कि वह एक करेन के 90 के दशक के संस्करण था । जब उसे एहसास हुआ कि मैं एक बच्चा था, वह मुझे कैसे मैं दुर्व्यवहार कर रहा था और यह कैसे अस्वीकार्य था के बारे में एक गुस्सा व्याख्यान दिया । मैं नहीं जानता कि यह उसके बारे में क्या था, लेकिन उसके butthurt चिल्ला के बारे में कुछ मुझे वास्तव में भी ट्रिगर हो गया । मैं वास्तव में एक बहुत ही मीठा और अच्छी तरह से व्यवहार लड़का था और ज्यादातर वयस्कों मुझे प्यार करता था । शायद इस वजह से, यह वास्तव में मुझे गलत तरीके से मला जब वह मुझे एक "कुत्सित बव्वा" कहा जाता है । मैं गलत तरीके से इलाज महसूस किया और उसे एक बकवास दिन देना चाहता था । तो मैं एक अशिष्ट स्वर में हंसे और कुछ ऐसा कहा: "हां? वैसे आप संभवतः cuz आप चट्टानों के रूप में गूंगा हो पता नहीं कर सका । वहां एक छोटा ठहराव था-वह स्पष्ट रूप से मेरे शब्दों से दंग रह गया था-इससे पहले कि वह पूरी तरह से बाहर धब्बेदार । इस बिंदु पर, मैं अपने 10 साल पुरानी जीभ की तरह ढीला चलो शायद ही कभी पहले ढीला छोड़ दिया था । मैं उसे एक बुरा पुराने, एक गूंगा crackwhore, एक बीमारी कहा जाता है.. । आप इसे नाम दें। किसी भी अपमान है कि मेरे मन में आया मैं तुरंत उस पर फेंका । बातें मैं उसे बुलाया प्रफुल्लित थे, लेकिन उनमें से कुछ सीमा पर १००% थे.. । के रूप में, मैं अगर मेरे बच्चे ने उन्हें एक वयस्क के लिए कहा (अकेले एक अजनबी चलो) गुस्सा होगा।


एक बिंदु पर, महिला ने कहा: "बस तुम थोड़ा बव्वा रुको, मैं अपने नंबर है । मैं अपने माता पिता को फोन करेंगे । समय, ज्यादातर टेलीफोन जानने और कॉलर का नंबर दिखाने में सक्षम नहीं थे । यह अभी भी एक बहुत नई तकनीक थी और इसलिए जब महिला को मेरे लैंडलाइन फोन नंबर (एक मैं से बुला रहा था) का दावा किया है, मैंने मान लिया कि यह सिर्फ एक धोखा था ।

दुर्भाग्य से, यह नहीं था । के बारे में 15 मिनट बाद वह वापस बुलाया और मेरी मां को उठाया इससे पहले कि मैं उसे रोक सकता है ।

इस बिंदु पर, मैं वास्तव में घबरा गया था । बातें मैंने कहा था में से कुछ बहुत भयानक थे और मुझे पता था कि मेरी मां इसे नफरत होगी । निश्चित रूप से, कुछ भद्दी सजा होगी। इसके बजाय, हालांकि, मैं एक विनंर लेकिन उलझन में स्वर में मेरी मां का जवाब सुना: "नहीं, तुम गलत नंबर मिलाया होगा, मेरे बेटे को ऐसा कभी नहीं होगा." 


जैसे मैंने कहा, मैं आमतौर पर एक गुडी-दो जूते जो हमेशा हर किसी के लिए अच्छा था और घर स्कूल से अच्छा ग्रेड लाया गया था । तो, यह मेरी मां के लिए समझ में बहुत उलझन में हो (और अभी तक, कि गुस्से में औरत मैं क्या किया था के बारे में पूरी तरह से सही था) । कुछ आगे पीछे के बाद, मेरी मां ने मुझे बुलाया और कहा: "यहां एक औरत है जो दावा है कि तुम उसे पहले बुलाया और उसे बुरी तरह अपमानित किया । क्या यह सच है? " मैंने उसे अपनी सबसे मासूम मुस्कान दी और कहा: "हुह? उसका अपमान किया? नहीं... मैं अपने कमरे में खेल रहा था, मैंने किसी को फोन नहीं किया । मेरी मां ने बस इतना कहा: "हां, मैंने ऐसा सोचा । इसके बाद वह फोन पर वापस चली गई और महिला से कहा-मैंने सिर्फ अपने बेटे से पूछा और वह कहता है कि उसने ऐसा कोई काम नहीं किया । मुझे भी नहीं लगता कि वह कभी ऐसा काम करेंगे। सच कहूं तो, आपको लगता है जैसे आप कुछ शिकंजा ढीला मिल गया है । अब हमें फोन मत करो, तुम शायद गलत या शायद तुम पूरी बात की कल्पना की । मैं महिला चिल्ला सुना और गुस्से में चिल्ला और फिर मेरी मां उस पर लटका दिया और बस उसे बागवानी काम करने के लिए वापस चला गया । मैं अपनी मां को कभी नहीं बताया है कि "पागल औरत" वास्तव में पागल नहीं किया गया था और वह सच कह रहा था ।